Bright Lights, Big Savings

Things are looking brighter around Special Tree with the installation of hundreds of new LED light fittings. Our fabulous Facilities Maintenance team have converted hundreds of conventional bulbs to LEDs at the NeuroCare Campus and other facilities and it’s paying off in big ways.

Since the conversion project began in 2017, LEDs have not only produced better light quality, these highly energy-efficient lights have helped Special Tree cut their carbon footprint while also saving money.

“Although LEDs are more expensive up front, they’re dramatically more cost-effecctive in the long run,” said Jim Richert, Facilities Maintenance Director. For over a year, he has kept close track of the costs and energy savings at locations where LEDs have been installed.   “Because LED lights use up to 80 percent less energy, our power usage and bills have gone way down,” said Jim.   Since installing LEDs in the parking at Special Tree's NeuroCare Campus over a year ago, energy consumption was reduced by 70%.   At our Troy NeuroSkills Center, energy bills for the year were reduced by $4000 after the LED conversion. 

LEDs also have added benefits like long-life and maintenance savings.  Because LEDs last five times longer than conventional bulbs, our maintenance staff doesn't need to replace them as often. Prior to converting the lights, maintenance staff at the Troy location replaced about six bulbs per week.  At the NeuroCare Campus, staff were replacing 18 conventional bulbs per year at $40/bulb in the exterior parking lot.  "The process to change the parking lot lights also required two people and a 16’ ladder so the LEDs have also helped mitigate risk,” said Jim.

Both the extended life and reduced power of LEDs have a lot to do with the fact that they burn much cooler than fluorescent bulbs. At the NeuroCare Center South, LEDs have also reduced air conditioning costs by approximately $500 per year.


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